Slow Mover
On exhibit at the Canyon Gallery, Boulder, CO: 07/21/18 - 08/19/18
Opening reception: Saturday, July 21st, 3:30 - 5:30 PM
If time is a slow mover then we, in contrast, move very quickly. We see evidence of deep time all around us - layers of sedimentary rock, plastics, light from distant stars - but how can we relate to things that move on such a different scale than us? As technology advances, and our experience of time seems to be speeding up, this tension grows. How can we keep up with our accelerating world while trying to understand the very long term? This work explores our complicated relationship with time - how we try to comprehend its vastness in contrast to our finite experience of it. It seeks to contemplate time in the context of our lives and our lives in the context of time.
A Time of Gifts
As a part of this exhibition, selected artworks were gifted to interested individuals. We believe that living with art over a long period of time can be a powerful experience. Seeing work in different light throughout the day, hanging in various locations and looking at it from new perspectives over the years allows for deeper insights to reveal themselves slowly.